Gavin Bejaimal presents on Exploring Satisfaction Among Guys who Party and Play. The Investigators: Addressing Queer & Trans Knowledge Gaps Through Community Based Research
Gavin explains the history of the criminalization of homosexuality and its impact on men seeking connections. Even with the decriminalization of homosexuality, trauma and substance use continue to play a role in the lives of GBMSM.
GBMSM has unique connections to substance use and the lack of sober spaces, and the use of online dating apps has opened a doorway to self-expression, connections, and support for GBMSM. Guys who PnP report various personal enriching experiences, including drawbacks.
There are four key findings and variables explored in the research. They are, GBMSM engaging in substances, GBMSM engaging in party substances, GBSMS engaging in sexual activities, and GBMSM engaging in chemsex who use party substances and are sexually active. Tune into Gavin’s research finding starting at 23 minutes.