Drug Info

Everything you need to know about the drugs we use and their effects—no spin, just facts.


The GMSH does not in any way endorse or encourage the use of illicit drugs and this resource emphasizes the fact that the only way to totally avoid any of the risks associated with substance use is to not use them.

However, a lot of guys have already made the decision to do so and they are no less deserving of support in seeking to reduce harmful consequences that can arise for themselves and for those who live and love with them.

How it’s consumed:
  • Often divided into small lines or piles (called bumps) of powder and inhaled through a rolled piece of paper such as a bill, business card, paper straw or other materials.
  • Can also be injected and sometimes booty-bumped.


Feels like:
  • Increased energy, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.
  • Increased confidence and talkativeness
  • Numbness in your face.


You should know:
  • Can lead to increased anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia.
  • Regular use can lead to dependence.
    Cocaine can be cross-contaminated with a range of toxic materials including fentanyl.
  • An overdose occurs when a drug produces serious adverse effects and life-threatening symptoms.


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Learn the ins and outs and details of cocaine, how it interacts with other drugs, and more.

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How it’s consumed:
  • Can be snorted, swallowed, smoked, booty-bumped or injected (sometimes called slam or slamming)


Feels like:
  • Effects of using Tina can vary greatly and depends on things like: the potency of the supply you’re using, your age and weight, how much of it you use, how you use it (smoking, slamming, snorting), the setting of where you’re using it, whether you have pre-existing conditions or experience things like anxiety and if it’s combined with alcohol or other drugs.
    • Intense surge or “rush” of euphoria
    • Increase heart rate and blood pressure
    • Alert, talkative, confident
    • No urge to sleep or eat
    • Significant urge to be active 


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Learn the ins and outs and details of crystal meth, how it interacts with other drugs, and more.

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How it’s consumed:
  • MDMA tends to come as slightly off-white (yellow or brown) crystals, which can be crushed into a powder. This powder can be put in capsules and swallowed or snorted.  Typically referred to as Ecstasy If sold as a pressed pill (usually with a stamp or branding).


Feels like: 
  • Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and pupil dilation.
  • Reduced appetite and increased energy.
  • Euphoria and connection to others.
  • You may feel horny.
  • Overheating especially if using in crowded places like clubs and raves.
  • Teeth grinding.
  • Anxiety and panic attacks.


You should know:
  • As with all powdered drugs, MDMA can include a range of substances.
  • Test your MDMA to know what’s in it. You can order testing kits through [TRIP] or www.dancesafe.org
  • Effects typically last 3-5+ hours, sometimes longer.


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Learn the ins and outs and details of MDMA, how it interacts with other drugs, and more.

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How it’s consumed:
  • It is usually sold as a liquid in small vials and added to non-alcoholic drinks. GHB is also available as a white powder or capsule.


Feels like:
  • Effects can feel similar to alcohol
  • At a lower dose, you may feel more social, relaxed, less inhibited and horny 
  • At a higher dose, you may feel sleepy, dizzy and incoherent.


You should know:
  • GBL is similar to GHB but its effects are stronger, come on quicker and last longer.
  • The potency of GHB can vary greatly and the line between feeling good and passing out or overdosing are very small.
  • An overdose on GHB can result in difficulty breathing and may lead to death.
  • There are reports of guys experiencing sexual assault/ rape while being “asleep” from the effects of using GHB.
  • The effects of GHB can last up to 4 hours depending on the dose.
  • GHB has a stacking effect over multiple doses throughout a party or event, which means the second or third dose will have a stronger effect than the first.
  • It is widely advised not to mix GHB with other drugs and especially alcohol. When the substances are combined, the sedative and downer effects are amplified.


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Learn the ins and outs and details of GHB, how it interacts with other drugs, and more.

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How it’s consumed:
  • The effects of ketamine may differ depending on how the drug is administered, frequency of use, and how much is used in a given timeframe.
Feels like:
  • Among gay, bisexual, and queer men, ketamine is used to increase sexual arousal and enhance sexual experiences.


You should know:
  • Ketamine is illegal to both possess and/or distribute in Canada.


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Learn the ins and outs and details of ketamine, how it interacts with other drugs, and more.

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How it’s consumed:
  • Poppers are considered an inhalant because the vapours from the liquid are inhaled into the mouth and nose causing a rapid-onset of effects.


Feels like:
  • Among gay, bisexual, and queer men, poppers are used to enhance sexual experiences and pleasure.


You should know:
  • Poppers are both illegal to possess and/or distribute in Canada.


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Learn the ins and outs and details of poppers, how they interact with other drugs, and more.

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How it’s consumed:
  • Erectile dysfunction agents usually prescribed by a medical professional to treat erectile dysfunction but can also be purchased online without any medical advice for the purpose of enhancing sexual experiences.


Feels like:
  • Among gay, bisexual, and queer men, erectile dysfunction agents are used with the intention to prolong sexual encounters and improve performance


You should know:
  • Using erectile dysfunction agents with other prescribed and recreational substances can increase risk of serious and life-threatening adverse effects.


Go Deeper

Learn the ins and outs and details of erectile dysfunction agents, how they interact with other drugs, and more.

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How it’s consumed:
  • Fentanyl can be smoked, snorted, injected, ingested when mixed into other substances without the user’s awareness.


Feels like:
  • Fentanyl acts on areas of the brain that are associated with pain and emotion by binding to opioid receptors causing the user to experience feelings of relaxation and euphoria.


You should know:
  • Fentanyl is both illegal to possess and/or distribute in Canada.


Go Deeper

Learn the ins and outs and details of fentanyl, how it interacts with other drugs, and more.

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